QuickBooks Gmail Add-on
With revenue of $4B+ and approximately 9,000 employees, Intuit's QuickBooks provides innovative business and financial management solutions for small and medium-sized businesses.
In 2017, QuickBooks' payments team set out to acquire new customer leads to drive revenue growth. Out of the many channels to expose QuickBooks’ payment services to potential customers, one was to partner directly with Google's Gmail add-on team.
This was the first project I received immediately after being onboarded; I worked fast for a solid turn around, and my effort earned me trust as a new member to our project team.
Platform add-on launch.
UX/UI design, usability testing, and user research.
Sketch, Photoshop, JS/HTML/CSS, and Principle.

The Strategy
The team aimed to create a front door to our QuickBooks (QBO) ecosystem with this add-on. At the highest level, we wanted to help provide a functional widget for users who have invoicing needs, further share our payment solutions, and eventually acquire QBO subscriptions when they desire full accounting solutions.

Web-based Form UX



Reviewing the data after our first year, there has been a total of over 1B QuickBooks invoices sent through the add-on. We also enjoyed a 4.3 stars rating on the G Suite Marketplace.
To be continued (Intuit Confidential).
You are one of the first designers I have worked with that has been creative "outside of the box". It is a breath of fresh air to see a designer come with his own perspective and ideas vs. creating the ideas of others.
— 360° feedback