VR Studies

During my time at Georgia Tech I prototyped interactive narratives in virtual reality (VR) to explore the emerging technology as a storytelling medium. The particular project I am sharing below was made possible with the help of Dr. Janet Murray and the resources she so kindly shared with my project team.

Lycan is a VR project that transforms your identity into a werewolf. You, the interactor, are able to experience metamorphosis in an immersive virtual environment with realistic physics, shadows, and characters; while unique audio-visual cues drive the narrative forward in dramatic story beats — taking you back to the medieval age. Additionally, vivid hand models act as threshold objects to further enhance your feelings of presence and immersion.

As a traditional story of superhuman beings, lycanthropy was believed to be possible, whereas modern scientific understanding proved the myth impossible. That is until now — in virtual reality, the story continues.

VR prototype.

Narrative scripting, interaction design, lighting, audio, visual effects, UX research, project management, demo poster, and demo video.

Unity 3D, Adobe CS, C#, Mixamo 3D Animations, Samsung Gear VR, and HTC Vive.


For optimal sound quality please enjoy the demo video with earphones.

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Further prototpyes were made and published at https://penlab.gatech.edu/.

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